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The Daily Hairball

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Sky is Falling!

Well, no, it isn't. But I think my little chick is gone. Ninny was out running around flirting with the Princes. No chick. I was hoping she had left it home, but no chirping all day. Buffy had knocked her nest box enough that she had splattered another egg. She is just NOT the mother type.

Nonnie on the other hand, was a bit wary about her new nest yesterday. Today, she never left it. A good little momma today, with her nest of defunct eggs. I do hope some of them are viable.

One of the Princes, Prince Handsome I think, really is good with the ladies. He stays close to them, escorting them safely though the hazards of the yard. Usually, the boys roost here and there around the garage. Tonight, one of the roosters was actually sitting on the side of the nest box, close as he could get to her. Little flirt! She is a cute little thing.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Chicken Little

I have been very amiss in keeping this up, mainly because I'm running two blogs, and sometimes I post about the animals on there.

We officially have chooks. Recently, all the hens disappeared. However, eggs started appearing. Everywhere. No hen, but lots of tiny white eggs. So the quest was on.

Buffy the Slug Slayer was easy. She was scrunched up in a small space on a bare board. It was tilted so the eggs ran right off and smashed on the floor. I finally rigged her a nesting box and put her sad, cold eggs in it. She seems to be happy, although I noticed today she had pushed a bit of wood aside, and another egg was smashed on the floor. Maybe she just doesn't want to be a mother.

Sweetybird, being a sensible and intelligent hen, found an old manager. Gathered together straw and sits on her nest. No gadding about for her. She comes out, eats (she has six eggs as of yesterday). Pays no attention when I visit her. I even lifted her rear end to see if there were eggs under her, and she ignored it. Spending two weeks in the house getting nice warm baths every day, she isn't going to sweat the small things.

Lacey is roosting back amongst the junk pile. I don't think anything could get her there, but for all I know, she too is dropping her eggs.

The two black hens just dissappeared. No sight or sound from them. Finally, one made an appearence, chick in tow. It looked like a large yellow and black bumble bee, so cute. It's mother is Ninny, because she is, and the chick is Ninion.

I then discovered who was laying the eggs by the door. The other black hen. All her eggs rolled away from her too, so I just fixed her a nest box. Hopefully, she will use it. She's Nonnie.

All but one chicken accounted for, and I think she was gotten by a dog a long time ago. Still I have hopes she will show up.