This little Halloween cutie went home with my daughter's boyfriend, just in time for Halloween. His name is Dax, and if you look at those front feet, you'll see he has extra toes. His daddy is a Munchkin, and his mommy is a polydactyl siamese mix. He takes after his daddy in being verrrry mellow, and after his mommy in curiousity. My daughter and I were lucky enough to be present at his birth. He was the only one bawling and trying to tear off the sac before he was even all the way out, he was ready to face the world! Most of his siblings are white, and one is a tabby, so an all black kitten was a surprise. My daughter immediately got on her cell phone and informed her boyfriend that his kitten had been born! Luckily, he agreed. I'll probably have more pictures of this little guy as he grows.

Jasper went home last weekend with his new family, Judy and Hank. We weren't sure how his older sister, Amber, was going to like him, but she is behaving quite well. When she gets done with her bones, she lets him have them. He's so little still that he just pushes them around the floor. Chi, their domestic cat, is thrilled she has someone small enough to play with again. Little does she know that he will grow into a bigger kitty than Amber. He's a very gentle kitten. Of course, he hasn't reached his teens yet! Judy and Hank can't believe they are starting over again with a new kitten in just over a year. What can I say, caracals seem to be like potato chips, you can't have just one!
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