Sometimes a great motion

My photo session didn’t exactly go as planned. Cougar cub was in major motion. He’s old enough now that he doesn’t sleep as much, and wouldn’t sleep at all outside the cage. He is also teething, so he chews on everything that moves, mostly fingers, a huge no-no!
This is what he looks like when he is being fended off attacking my ankles. For some reason everything blurred but his whiskers!
The next shot got a great picture of the leopard skin rug and the cub’s ear. A few more shots where he was so blurred it looked like I was trying to take pictures of a ghost. I adjusted my camera and when I looked up I saw…
Evidently the purse attacked him and he was only defending himself. Yeah, uh huh. He actually got the purse open and dived inside before I could get to him. It would have made a cute picture, sigh.

So after taking his purse toy away from him he raced to the other side of the room and peered out at me. Cute! I snapped a shot…

Then adjusted to cure the blur and fired off another shot in time to catch this…
And a moment later, this…

My husband asked me why I took that picture and I replied "That’s what happens if you take your eye off a cougar for a minute!"
You also get pics like this one…
which I thought looked like something out of Jumani.
(don’t worry, the zebra wasn’t hunted, it died of natural causes. He never looked that disapproving when he was alive.)
Being still a baby, the serval kitten was more co-operative. However, the lighting was still bad, so these didn’t turn out great.
You can’t beat a serval kitten for cute and fluffy! Too bad the sun was too bright for him to show his big baby blues.
We let Gracie (name changed from Diva) out to play with the cougar cub and that works well. She is almost as tall as he is now, huge change from last week. He still out weighs her about twice, but it doesn’t faze her one tiny bit. She has this delicate sweet feminine face and a Sherman tank personality. You can scoop her up and cuddle her and she will give you little loving licks, then squirm to be put down so she can attack the nearest beastie. Ruger better watch out, when she gets bigger she will take him on too.
I did get a halfway decent picture of one of the munchkin kittens—
She’s a little heart breaker. She’s a polydactal too.
That’s it for now. If it doesn’t rain cats and dogs I’ll try to get pics of the banties again tomorrow. They are officially ours now, and we bought them food today.
Why yes, your wife does find it amusing!
The Waterlogged Blog, hmmm. I guess we could have the Soggy Bottom guys playing in the background.
Oh George, not the livestock!
Anonymous, at 5:33 PM
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